
Matthew Stewart - Harvard PhD Student

Welcome to my personal website. This website encompasses my journey as a PhD student at Harvard University in the field of Engineering Sciences, as well as my own personal endeavors aiming to enlighten the public on issues that have far-reaching scientific, politic, and socio-economic ramifications. I am largely a secular humanist, and a vehement advocate of truth (the motto of Harvard is ‘veritas’, the latin word for ‘truth’) in an increasingly post-truth world, and a proponent and signer of the Pro-Truth Pledge. In all my endeavors I approach truth from a naturalistic, empirical, and rationalistic point of view. My work focusses on environmental science, more specifically the atmosphere and how the Amazon Rainforest influences our world and is equally influenced by humankind.


Fill out the Pro-Truth Pledge here.

The website has been split into several blogs: